
Search Engine Marketing

We can begin your social media efforts by creating & branding new accounts from scratch. Or improve your current ones.

Either as a precursor to you taking the reins to post & interact with your visitors yourself or as the first step to us providing such services.
With a dedicated account manager or a more casual arrangement

We evaluate the media you current have (brand) & your business, in order to create images & copy for your new accounts. Helping you choose usernames & (vanity) urls or using our expertise, to fight for ones you want.

Professional branding & clever designs will improve the effect of your Social Media channels. To maximum your exposure & visibility

Connection to Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages

Comprehensive Service

Build or improve your:

  • Company Branding
  • Current website
  • Paraphernalia

General Sales & Marketing

We can take full control for you or act as an ‘interim staff member’, during periods you are busy fulfilling business.
Part time, over the web & telephone, in-house or even possibly to recruit full time season staff for peak summer months or during staff holidays. With English, Catalan & Spanish speaking personnel.